Live the Empowered Life: Coach Felicia Scott
Monday February 28, 2011
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While knowing we have a purpose is great, it is imperative
that we don’t just focus our attention on our purpose—we
must diligently study the process of purpose as well.  It is
only when we understand the principles of the process—
that we gain the strength to endure the obstacles and
disappointments that inevitably come to hinder us on our

For the next couple of weeks, I’d like to share 10 principles
of process and purpose seen in the life of the original sister
of purpose, Queen Esther.  
revealed in her story. I encourage you to read the first two chapters of Esther to gain the most out
of these three principles:  

1. Purpose takes place in a context:   The story of Esther begins with the story of the king.  
Our lives and destinies are all intertwined.  However, I am sure that if we were to travel back in
time and interview Esther during the season of feasting, she would laugh if we told her that the
discord in the palace was about to fundamentally impact and change her life.  

Like us, she contended with the “not so exciting” daily responsibilities of life.  The most “natural”
thing in the world is to gather information and define reality based on our five senses.  While the
Word requires that we live by faith, maintaining the balance between our ”have tos” and our “want
tos” can be stressful.

I know the pain and struggle of coaching and speaking on a weekend, only to have to drag myself
out of bed on a Monday morning to face an unfulfilling job that pays the bills.

The disparity between what “will be” and what “is” can be disheartening and frustrating.  In order
rejoice in all things, we must remind ourselves that God works with the natural to achieve His
promises to us.  Nothing is wasted in Him and even the things that disappoint us will be eventually
be interwoven into the beautiful tapestry He ultimately creates with our lives.

2. Purpose is corporate:  I believe the Bible shares both stories, so that we can understand that
purpose is never about one individual.  God is never wasteful in anything that He does and each
individual’s purpose is part of a chain of dominos.  Here again we see that our paths and destinies
are intertwined.

We can’t only look at what God is doing in our lives; we must cultivate an awareness of what is
transpiring around us.  Our question has to be, “Where do I fit in?”, rather than “Where does this
fit in with my plan?”  Sometimes the path He uses to bring us to our destiny isn’t the one we
personally would have chosen.  He makes little pit stops and picks up passengers along the way,
when we just want to get there!  But rest assured—Father knows best.  
We are pieces in a puzzle and in order for the picture to be complete; everything must be put into
its place.  There will be times when it looks like things will never come together and there will be
moments when it looks like pieces are missing.  Don’t be fooled, everything that is needed is there.

We must have the patience to trust Him to do the assembling, while we continue to focus on the
bigger picture and finding out where and how we fit in what God is doing right now!   He will take
care of the future, as we do our parts today.

3. The process is individual:  While purpose is corporate—processing is very personal!  The
issues we struggle and face are common to man, but God’s prescriptive process for bringing
wholeness is tailored to the individual.

In my twenties and early thirties, I struggled with accepting my singleness.  As I watched close
friends marry and start families, I dealt with feelings of loneliness and anger because it felt as if
God had forgotten me.  However, as I learned to trust Him with the bigger picture, I realized that
my singleness, as part of a community, has been the tool God has used to grow my relationship
with Him.   

We won’t all travel the same road, but our destination is the same—contentment and connection
with Him.  One may find it on the mission fields of Africa and another may find it as the VP of a
Fortune 500 firm.  No one’s road is more or less, it is par for the course and equal to the tasks that
He has for us.

Live It!  Read Esther chapters one and two.  Apply the three principles above and try to see them
at work in your own life.  What could be the larger context God is working in?  How is your
purpose corporate? What things are you learning from the process God is putting you through?
When I heard Dr. Myles Munroe speak for the first time, it was as if someone had finally thrown a
lifeline over the side of the emotional cliff of depression I’d been hanging onto by a thread.

I had no idea that God was going to change my life as I clicked on TBN that day, but for nearly two
hours, Dr. Myles unpacked the meat of the Word and with each unfolding scripture, the seeds of
my future transformation were planted.  Although it would be five more years before my
depression ended, I had finally caught a glimpse of the truth.  I was more than the result of a
biological process—I was intentionally created and designed by God.  I wasn’t a mistake…I had a
by Essence magazine, Leadher Coach Scott™ shares
life-changing truths with practical wisdom, humor and
insight. Currently, a columnist for,
her workshops and seminars are popular at women's,
singles' and youth conferences.  For more info, also visit or Follow her

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Kennisha Hill
Coach Felicia Scott
Lakeisha Rainey-Collins
Life Design Expert, Deana Murphy
Dr. Michelle T. Johnson