Prayer and Worry Don't Mix: Learning to Trust God
I used to be a huge worry-wart.  I
incessantly worried about everything.  
Anytime a situation arose and I couldn’t
see a clear outcome, I would relentlessly
agonize over it.  I’m one of those people
that isn't very fond of surprises.  I like to
be in the know, and not knowing often
caused me to worry.

There was a period in my life when I
literally worried myself sick.  My
marriage seemed to be falling apart; it
looked like I was going to lose my
mother to sickness; and my life was in
complete disarray.  Because I was so
stressed out, I shed about thirty pounds,
my hair was falling out, and migraines
were a regular occurrence.  I was even
having occasional anxiety attacks.  
Monday January 17, 2011
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Though my faith has majorly increased, this is one
of those areas where I definitely have to
constantly pray.

Just recently, I realized just how important it is
that I continuously pray for help when it comes to
worrying.  I discovered a lump in my breast, and
immediately began to agonize over it.  A million
what if’s repeatedly ran rampant in my mind.  In
that moment, before I even had a clue what the
lump signified, I chose to doubt God.
Because I couldn’t clearly see how this situation would turn out, I worried.  During the couple of
weeks of waiting to see the doctor, God began to deal with me.  He said,
How can you immediately
choose to doubt me after all I’ve brought you through?  This could be nothing, or it could be
something; either way, haven’t I proven to be faithful to you?  Have I given you any reason to not
trust me?
 Talk about conviction.

Though I wouldn’t know anything until mid-January (I've since learned that the lump is non-
cancerous, praise God!), I decided to release the worry, and whole-heartedly trust God, because I
know that all things will work in my favor, according to Romans 8:28.

I’ve learned that sometimes God will leave us hanging so that we will have no other choice but to
trust Him.  I have also learned that worrying solves nothing.  It doesn’t rectify the problem at
hand, nor does it provoke God to move in our lives.  All worry does is feed doubt.  But when you
really trust God, that’s when things begin to change.

I’m reminded of one of my favorite scriptures, Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the LORD with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Leaning upon our own understanding will cause doubt, fear, and anxiety to overtake our minds
when we’re faced with challenging situations; however, when we learn to trust God and have total
faith in Him, it removes all fear and doubt.

If I know nothing else about God, I know that there is absolutely no failure in Him.  I believe that if
we’d just learn to trust Him in all things, we will find that life is a lot less stressful. God does not
want to see you living a life of worry, stress, and anxiety.  He wants you to cast all of your cares
upon Him, and trust that He cares enough for you to handle every situation in your life.  In this
new year, my prayer is that you would resolve to simply trust God more.  Even when you feel like
you can’t handle what you’re going through, don’t worry about, just give it over to God and watch
Him work.

Let’s vow to no longer pray and worry…but to pray, and worry about nothing.
God helped me to realize something – Prayer and worry do not work hand-in-hand; one negates
the other.   Either you’re going to pray and trust God, or you’re going to worry and doubt Him.

At that moment, I had to make a choice.  I chose to trust God; however, it was not an easy,
overnight change.  It was one of those
one-day-one-situation-at-a-time processes.  I can testify
that as I began to trust God, and not worry about the things I had no power to fix, the situations
that troubled me most were worked out.  My marriage is mended; my mother is healthy; and my
life is a lot less topsy-turvy.

LaKeisha Rainey-Collins is a wife, mother of two
beautiful boys and inspirational blogger. She believes
that God has purposed her to use her gift of writing to
share her experiences as a Christian woman, wife,
and mother, in order to touch the hearts of other
women just like her. You can visit LaKeisha's blog,
Divine Words, at

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