Lighten Up & Enjoy Life
Live the Empowered Life: Coach Felicia Scott
But scripture is clear that when our strength fails,
there is only one cure—His joy (Psalm 28:7,
Nehemiah 8:9-10).  In Chapter 8 of Nehemiah, we
see the Israelites receiving instruction in the law.  
Their response is to be grieved and weep.  Yet in
the end, Nehemiah encourages them to enjoy the
good things in life and share them with others.  

We are sometimes confused when everything in
life is going right by outward appearances, but
something still feels missing on the inside.  That is
because we have happiness and things, not the
“joy of the Lord.”  It is the joy that comes from
nothing else but connecting with Him in His
goodness.  It comes from understanding that He is
God and you mean everything to Him.

So this week, I’d like to give you a few ways to rediscover Him in life.  In combination with the
practice of spiritual disciplines, it will help you to lighten up and gain some much needed
perspective on your life.

1. Take a praise break and call Him in the morning:  The goodness and faithfulness of
God abounds.  Take a one minute break at least three times a day to do nothing but meditate on
His goodness.  In the morning before you step out of the shower, just think of something small that
He’s blessed you with and spend 60 seconds praising Him.  In the afternoon, each time you take a
bathroom break, take 60 seconds to “still” yourself and just thank Him.  Many times it is our focus
on what we want, instead of what we have that saps our joy and wears away our strength. Spending
these moments with God each day will help you see things differently in life.  

2. Celebrate:  Nehemiah encouraged the people to eat and drink wine.  The modern equivalent is
to find some thing you enjoy and celebrate.  I don’t know about you, but there have been many a
day when God has inspired me through a book or movie.  If you’ve been budgeting and managing
your finances, go buy yourself something small and nice (on sale and with cash) so that you don’t
feel as if you’re just working to pay off your bills.  Turn off the phone and curl up with a good
book.  As long as you are pouring something edifying and good in your spirit, it will refresh you.

3. Hit the spa:  That’s right!  I said it…go treat yourself to a facial and massage.  Beauty
treatments didn’t start with Hollywood celebrities; godly women had them in the scriptures.  
Taking care of your body and doing little things to pamper yourself show that you understand how
important your temple is to God.  Stress and worry wreak havoc on our temples and can impair
our physical health.  Believe it or not, clearing your mind with a little aromatherapy might help to
clean out some of the clutter that stops you from hearing from him.  God doesn’t have a problem
with you being cute—just as long as you are letting Him clean you up on the inside too!

4. Move that body:  Last week, I put on my walking shoes and found my way to a Zumba class.  I
looked like a newborn fool with two left feet.  There were times I couldn’t get the steps and my
body was stiff as a board the next day—but I felt great.  I took the time to do something for me and
simply had fun.  My legs felt tight and heavy, but my heart and outlook was as light as a feather.  
Find a dance class at a local church or community center or try that sport you’ve always wanted to
try.  Get out there, jump right in and enjoy yourself!  

God loves for us to laugh and He is the author of fun!  He wants you to enjoy your life, so break out
the confetti and get it started!

Live It!  Pick one or two of the above tips and do it!
Growing up, there was an easy way to recognize God-fearing, Christian women.  They didn’t smile.  
They didn’t laugh.  They didn’t dress to be seen and they didn’t have time for the frivolous things
of life.  God was serious business and they proved it with their frowns!

He was found in their displeasure of “worldly” things and their devotion to God and constant
pursuit of holiness.  The problem is holiness was measured by the amount of times they attended
church, not the amount of times His word visited their hearts.  Worldly was defined as anything
that happened outside the church doors and devotion was measured by how many ministry
committees they served on.

Sadly, many women still equate a godly life with the amount of misery they manage to find in their
lives.  They view themselves as holy because they don’t befriend those who aren’t.  Before I
continue, let me clear up any potential confusion for delicate sensibilities.  I am not mocking the
pursuit of God, I’m not telling you to not go to church and I am not promoting a way of life that
looks so much like the world that the only thing different is that we cover our actions “In Jesus’

I’m just saying that some of us need to lighten up!  We don’t need another bible study or another
book on purpose and change.  We don’t need to speak in tongues—we need to learn how to have a
normal conversation.   We need to see God in a new way.  We must take Him off the pages of the
Bible and recognize that He can be found in the world around us.

When we grow weak in our spirits, our first instinct is to call a friend, go to church or pray.  I
believe this is where we are to
June 6-June 20
Quoted as one of today's leading
motivational speakers by ESSENCE
magazine, Leadher Coach Scott™ shares
life-changing truths with practical wisdom,
humor and insight. Currently, a columnist
for, her workshops
and seminars are popular at women's,
singles' and youth conferences.  For more
info, also visit or myspace.
com/upliftagency. Follow her at www.twitter.

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Lighten Up
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